Project Work

WIS 50 (75th Street) Reconstruction

Project Overview


WIS 50 Reconstruction

This $131 million project was needed to address safety and access, poor roadway and bridge conditions, traffic in high-density areas, and to improve the transportability of local traffic and oversized, overweight vehicles (OSOW).



De Vor Communications was hired as a subconsultant to lead public involvement and outreach services during the construction phase of the WIS 50 Project in the city of Kenosha and the villages of Pleasant Prairie and Bristol in Kenosha County. The four-mile project was divided into three phases for safety in work zones and to reduce travel constraints to the traveling public. Project work included the following:

  • Expanding the roadway to a 6-lane concrete highway between 117th and 57th avenues
  • Reconstructing the existing 4-lane roadway between 57th and 43rd avenues
  • Implementing access management measures, including driveway and median modifications
  • Providing additional vehicle capacity at all intersections, including WIS 50/WIS 31 intersection to accommodate high-density traffic
75th Street and Green Bay Road intersection with City of Kenosha water tower in the background


Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Southeast Region


Kenosha County

In addition to this work, the project also consisted of reconstructing and widening of six bridge structures at the Canadian Pacific Railroad, 77th Avenue and Union Pacific Railroad.

This project required close coordination with various agencies and multiple key stakeholders. Several one-on-one meetings with businesses and homeowners were held throughout construction. The De Vor team worked on site and regularly coordinated with contractors and the construction project team throughout the duration of the project. 

The team provided materials for the state’s project website, organized, and facilitated business signing, provided weekly construction forecasts, and created directional tools for affected businesses. De Vor also coordinated project updates including traffic reconfigurations and closures with emergency responders and local and elected officials.

For more information about this project or other projects, please contact us via email at

Project Deliverables

Stakeholder Engagement:
  • Public Involvement Plan
  • Media/Social Media Coordination
  • Business Outreach and Coordination
  • Stakeholder Database Development and Management
  • Literature Drops
Project Materials:
  • Project Branding
  • Graphic Design
  • Communication Materials Development
  • Web Content Management and Oversight
Outreach Meetings
  • Public Involvement
  • Business
  • Neighborhood
  • Local and Elected Official/Advisory Committees
  • One-on-One Residential and Organization


A shortened library of some of the graphics created for this project. For this project, our creative team designed print and digital documents, creating assets consistent within the brand, and building maps to show changes in traffic during construction.


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