Brian DeNeve is a Project Manager at De Vor Communications and over the past 20 years he has held diverse roles that showcase his expertise in communication and transportation.
As a Communication Manager for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Brian spearheaded statewide safety campaigns and facilitated public outreach for construction projects across southeastern Wisconsin.
At the City of Milwaukee as Supervisor for the Public Information Division of Office of City Clerk/Common Council, he provided oversight of materials to better connect elected representatives’ positions and initiatives with constituent needs. From 2019-2023, Brian was the Marketing and Communications Officer for Milwaukee’s Department of Public Works. He oversaw communication of multiple programs as the agency redefined its policy to be more inclusive of all transportation users, while reimagining right of way use to enhance community connection and vitality.
His multifaceted experience gives him a deep understanding of various transportation modes and the intricacies of effective communication both broadly and at the neighborhood level.
Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting
Member of ACEC, WI
Member of WTBA, WI
FEMA Incident Command System training via Wisconsin Emergency Management